Setup your store for FREE!
Reach 100,000,000+ customers across top buyer apps
Follow three simple steps below to create your store and start receiving orders from top buyer apps.
Start listing your products, set pricing and discounts
Your store is listed on Paytm, MaginPin +many more
Created and supported by the Govt. of India, Open Network is helping retailers generate more online sales.
We help you register and list your store at no cost. No hidden charges.
Your store gets listed on top buyer apps, visible to millions of customers.
We arrange fast pick-up and delivery of your orders in top cities in India
Receive daily settlements in your bank account for completed orders
Send customized offers to your top customers over WhatsApp & SMS
Our seller app helps you easily manage orders and track payments
If you can not find an answer to your question in our FAQ, you can reach us via email.